Sifu Dylan Kirk, R.Ac, R.TCMP

Registered TCM Practitioner (CTCMPAO), Registered Acupuncturist (CTCMPAO), Dipl.TCM, Dipl. Acupuncture, Bachelor of Medicine and Masters Degree in Acupuncture from Henan University of TCM (China). Current President of CTCMASO, Academic Dean at the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (OCTCM) and Campus Director at the OCTCM Toronto Campus. Sifu title through Spiritwind Internal Arts and Sifu Chik Mason: Qigong, Tai Chi, Dao In Yoga, Kung Fu, Baguazhang, Thai Massage, Lin Zi Jing Luo Qi Gong Therapy, Reiki.
Cell:647 628 9583

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Sifu Dylan Kirk has spent his life immersed in traditional healing, martial and meditation practices. He is a senior disciple of Master Chik Qadir Mason from whom he earned the honours of Black Sash and Sifu, or lineage holder and teacher. He has studied, practised and taught classical Daoist martial, healing and meditation arts since 1998 and now runs the Toronto branch of Spiritwind Internal Arts. He received his diploma of TCM from the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine where he is now Academic Dean and instructor. He has continued his studies, completing a Bachelor of Medicine degree and Masters of Acupuncture degree from Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. Dylan is known for his ability to communicate the complex theories and practices of classical Daoist arts to broad audiences. With his foundation in the internal and martial arts of the Chinese tradition, he is able to reflect a depth of practice in Chinese medicine not often seen. He has quickly become known in the Toronto area as an excellent practitioner and teacher.